Sunday, April 20, 2008

Me sick

It's Sunday, and I'm at the coffeehouse, like usual. I'm really exhausted. I was totally sick on Saturday. Of course, I take a day off on Friday. I decided to just stay home. Actually, I went to the bookstore Friday night. But Saturday, I couldn't really do anything. I just stayed home.

So now I'm at the coffeehouse, but I'm thinking I'm not going to last long. I still feel crappy, though much better. I hate it when stupid people come to work sick. One of the kids at work was sick. I tried to get him to go home, and finally he did, after hanging around for half the day. But I'm pretty much convinced he got me sick.

Maybe I'll go home and come back here later in the day. I wanted to go get cupcakes, but that is sort of looking like something that won't happen.

julie brown sharon stone depends ad

Julie Brown has this sort of funny clip on Youtube, a Sharon Stone Depends ad.

It's not as funny as her older material, but it's rather humorous. I think I'm just thrilled to see anything new with Julie in it.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Home Alone

So, I'm at home, after work. Really bored. I've pretty much decided that I'm going to go back to doing massage. I'm tired of not having any money. Actually, it will be nice to have a lot of money, which is what will happen if I go to work again.

I'm just ... so bored with working in a mailroom. It is not fulfilling in the least.

I have become more interested in writing, I will say. Mostly because ... I guess the real world is so boring, that I've become fascinated by the worlds I create in my mind. Of course, then I get on the internet and do nothing. Sigh.

Milf Island

I've never really gotten into the whole Tina Fey thing, but I think "Milf Island" has finally made me a believer. It was the funniest thing ever. I mean, it's almost too close to what reality shows have become, but now I almost want them to make it.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I love this

Jessica the Hippo from youtube.