Saturday, June 9, 2007

saturday morning

It's Saturday morning, and I'm at the coffeehouse. I got a lot of work done so far. What I like about being here on the week-end is that I start it off on the right note.

I was thinking about going back to the spa, but now I think ... I really need to concentrate on my new business of writing and producing and advertising my books. I felt this moment this morning, where I just wanted to concentrate everything I have into writing, and making my book exactly what it should be. And it was interesting to me, because my horoscope said something about leisure time being important to me, which it is, of course. I feel like, I should just kick back and write, have a real week-end. Well, for the rest of my life.

I saw these other people talking about their businesses, and I should say, I felt a pang of jealousy, because I didn't think I had a business like theirs. But I realize, I do have a business, the writing. And even though it seems to crass to think of it as a business, you don't really need to do that. A good business is doing something you enjoy. And the writing part of it is what I enjoy. The rest of it is a business.

I saw these business cards, for the show, "John From Cincinnati," taked up on the wall of the coffeehouse. And I thought to myself, that is the kind of campaign I want to do. Business cards would be a great way to start out, because they are even cheaper than the postcards. And of course, the you tube thing. I am going to work on all those efforts, when I get done.

But I also feel like writing. I feel like really researching the grammar part of it, and teaching myself how to be a good editor. And I want to gifure out a way to do the audiobook.

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