Monday, September 3, 2007

back at the coffeehouse

I'm at the coffeehouse, ready to work on my book. I'm thinking of starting to come here in the mornings again, mostly because I am not getting much work done at home. I am thinking that I need to clean up my apartment or feng shui the place, or something.

I've starting working on the week-end again, and it's going better than before. It's weird, because doing massage, is something you actually get better at, the more you do it. But I look at other people, who make tons of money, and I wonder. I guess the bottom line is, I would like to write, and I wish I could figure out a way to do that more, rather than invest my time in things that don't hold as much interest to me.

I need to really concentrate on the book. I'm tired of sort of going through my life and not doing the things I want to do, because of money.

I was looking at Leona Helmsley, or whatever her name is, and all I could think was ... what a horrid human being to give all her money to a dog and none to her family, with all those billions of dollars. And I'll bet they didn't even want it from her. The pig.

Anywhoo, it's strange, because I was thinking of picking up another shift at the spa, and ... maybe it is a good idea. I mean, if I was just working at the spa, I could ... I don't know, write more. And I'm not getting enough writing done.

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