Monday, September 3, 2007

Vile People

It's Labor Day, and bloody hot, like 100 degrees here in California. I went to the bookstore, two of them, and they were filled with people hogging the chairs. It was disgusting, there were two girls together, and they wouldn't share a table. Each had to hog their own, and then they go off to get food or something and leave just a book on one of the tables. I was going to throw all their stuff onto one table, but ... let them have it if it's that important.

Then there was an older couple at a long table .... and for some reason, I dont' like them, so I came home. I guess that's for the best.

Miss Potter

I saw this movie today off Netflix that I really liked, Miss Potter. It was about the life of Beatrix Potter, and boy, was she fascinating. It's so interesting how they really didn't want her to print these children's books, and how in a lot of ways, she was a sort of feminist. The movie was well done, a bit mediocre in some ways, probably due to the fact that it followed her life. It's hard to be true to someone and hit the three act formula. Then again, I really loved it so it must have been good, I mean, I want to buy the darn thing.

Jessica the hippo

I love this:

back at the coffeehouse

I'm at the coffeehouse, ready to work on my book. I'm thinking of starting to come here in the mornings again, mostly because I am not getting much work done at home. I am thinking that I need to clean up my apartment or feng shui the place, or something.

I've starting working on the week-end again, and it's going better than before. It's weird, because doing massage, is something you actually get better at, the more you do it. But I look at other people, who make tons of money, and I wonder. I guess the bottom line is, I would like to write, and I wish I could figure out a way to do that more, rather than invest my time in things that don't hold as much interest to me.

I need to really concentrate on the book. I'm tired of sort of going through my life and not doing the things I want to do, because of money.

I was looking at Leona Helmsley, or whatever her name is, and all I could think was ... what a horrid human being to give all her money to a dog and none to her family, with all those billions of dollars. And I'll bet they didn't even want it from her. The pig.

Anywhoo, it's strange, because I was thinking of picking up another shift at the spa, and ... maybe it is a good idea. I mean, if I was just working at the spa, I could ... I don't know, write more. And I'm not getting enough writing done.